Possible to register for Wirecard model case proceedings until September

Wirecard – Anmeldung zum Musterverfahren bis September möglich--MTR Legal Rechtsanwälte

APAS, the public body in Germany that provides regulatory oversight of auditors of annual accounts, has found that the auditors at EY who were tasked with inspecting Wirecard’s accounts failed to fulfill their professional obligations. The Wirecard scandal blew up in 2020 when it became known that nearly two billion euros had either vanished from […]

Green light given for unitary patent from June 1, 2023

Startschuss für das europäische Einheitspatent am 1. Juni 2023--MTR Legal Rechtsanwälte

Change is coming to the world of patent law. June 1, 2023 will see the birth of the European patent with unitary effect – or unitary patent, for short – and the Unified Patent Court (UPC) begin its work. Together, this will establish a unitary patent system across the European Union. Commercial law firm MTR […]

ECJ opines on non-material damages following GDPR breach

EuGH zu immateriellen Schadenersatz nach Verstoß gegen DSGVO--MTR Legal Rechtsanwälte

A violation of the GDPR will only give rise to claims for compensation if damage has actually been suffered as a result. That was the verdict of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in a judgment from May 4, 2023 (case ref.: C-300/21). Businesses today administer large quantities of sensitive personal data, and this means […]

Compensation for failure to comply with obligation under GDPR to provide information

Verstoß gegen DSGVO – Schadenersatz wegen Verletzung der Auskunftspflicht--MTR Legal Rechtsanwälte

Violations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) may lead to heavy fines. What’s more, those impacted by a violation can file claims for compensation. The entry into force of the GDPR brought with it an enormous increase in the demands placed on businesses with regard to the protection of data. Infringing the Regulation can […]