Gift tax

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Legal certainty in asset transfer

Strategic design for tax-optimized gifts

Die Übertragung von Vermögen durch Schenkungen ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Vermögensplanung und ermöglicht es, Vermögenswerte zu Lebzeiten steuerlich optimiert weiterzugeben. Die Regelungen zur Schenkungssteuer sind jedoch komplex und erfordern eine sorgfältige Planung, um steuerliche Freibeträge auszunutzen, Steuersätze zu minimieren und Konflikte zu vermeiden. Fehler bei der Bewertung von Vermögenswerten oder der Gestaltung der Schenkung können erhebliche steuerliche Belastungen nach sich ziehen.

Die Rechtsanwälte von MTR Legal beraten Sie umfassend zu allen Fragen der Schenkungssteuer. Mit Erfahrung und präzisem Know-how unterstützen wir Sie dabei, Ihre Vermögensübertragungen rechtssicher und steuerlich effizient zu gestalten. Unser Ziel ist es, eine langfristige Planung zu entwickeln, die sowohl Ihre persönlichen als auch finanziellen Ziele berücksichtigt.




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Utilization of tax exemptions

Maximize exemptions and reduce tax burden

The German gift tax law provides generous allowances for gifts, which vary depending on the degree of relationship. For instance, spouses can transfer assets up to an amount of 500,000 euros tax-free, while children can utilize an allowance of 400,000 euros. If these allowances are not optimally utilized, unnecessary tax payments may occur.

MTR Legal advises you on the strategic planning of your gifts to make the best use of the allowances. We assess your individual asset structure, analyze the tax implications, and develop a long-term strategy for the staggered or one-time transfer of assets. This can significantly reduce the tax burden and enable targeted asset transfer.

Asset valuation

Accurate valuation for tax planning security

The accurate assessment of the assets to be transferred is crucial for calculating the gift tax. Whether it involves real estate, shares in companies, securities, or tangible assets – each type of asset is valued according to specific appraisal methods. Errors in determining the value can lead to incorrect tax assessments and lengthy disputes with tax authorities.

MTR Legal supports you in the accurate valuation of your assets. We work closely with experts to create a legally secure basis for your tax declaration. In doing so, we also examine what tax advantages arise from specific valuation models and how these can be utilized to optimize the gift tax.

Design of Gift Contracts

Individual contracts for legal and tax security

A gift contract regulates the transfer of assets and is legally binding. It is important to consider not only the tax implications but also individual agreements that meet the interests of both the donor and the recipient. Incorrect or unclear contractual clauses can lead to disputes or unexpected tax burdens later on.

Our law firm advises you on the drafting of gift contracts that are both legally sound and tax-efficient. We clarify questions regarding rights of recovery, reservation of use, or special conditions, ensuring that your gift exactly aligns with your intentions. With careful contract design, we create a solid foundation for your asset transfer.

Tax Planning for Business Gifts

Sustainable Transfer of Company Assets

The transfer of business shares or entire businesses presents a unique challenge in the realm of gift tax. Specific regulations apply that allow for tax exemptions under certain conditions, such as the continuation of the business for a specified period of time. If these conditions are not met, significant tax payments may be incurred.

MTR Legal supports you in the tax planning and structuring of business gifts. We assess how tax benefits, such as the so-called “exemption rule,” can be applied, and develop individual models that allow for a sustainable wealth transfer. Our goal is to ensure entrepreneurial continuity and minimize tax risks.

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